

In the realm where shadows dance and raindrops weep,
A tale of anguish and sorrow, let it seep.
Gut-wrenching whispers, in wordplay so astute,
Shall unravel a story, dampened by tears acute.

Silent figures cast in obsidian gloom,
Shadows cloak secrets, veiling truths to consume.
Oft' misunderstood, these elusive specters speak,
In whispers of darkness, hidden truths they leak.

Raindrops cascade, a torrential lament,
Echoing heartache, their sorrow relentless.
Each droplet's descent, a bead of agony,
Seeping into wounds, causing souls to bleed.

These shadows, like ink, spill secrets on wet ground,
Words mingling with rain, profound depths they astound.
In splattered ink blots, the pain takes shape and form,
Etching tales of misery, in hearts yet unborn.

But through this tempest, hope shall arise,
Where shadows and rain intertwine, new skies.
A whisper of solace amidst the storm's disdain,
Rekindles the spirit, mending what was once slain.

For in shadows profound, light can surely seep,
And in the rain's tears, redemption finds its keep.
Where gut-wrenching wordplay builds bridges anew,
Through darkness and rain, love will always break through.
© dougienever