

Even More Haikus to Bore a Generation
Minerva's owl come
Flying toward me - so calm
Now I'm thirty-three.

Everyday I wake
Damn! This weight gets heavier
I challenge Atlas.

I'll gladly waste time
As long as you're here with me
You're worth wasting it.

Dry skin, wrinkled face
I am not getting younger
The fear gets bigger.

A spry kid drew me
Dopey face, scraggly body
Hey! That's really me.

Tons of people are
Crazy - you don't believe me?
Just watch Judge Judy.

Don't forget the date
We'll walk in a watery
Garden - and get lost.

Just drink your highball
Then let me get close to you
Touch me - I'll kiss you.

Something is out there
Mankind must find some place soon -
A planet with moons.

Giving up is not
A failure; it only means
You're letting life be.

© ajyoyama