

Phantom love
Someone asked me a question
"Do I believe in love?"
I didn't hesitate when answering
I do not. No.

Love to me is just a phantom
It is not real.
It has no physical body
It is all feels.

Just like our imagination
It's a game of the mind
A very dangerous game
Capable of taking lives.

Love isn't real
It's what we want to feel.
We want to feel over special
Over something that is pure physical

I do not blame people for wanting that attention.
I feel pity when they put much intention
Thinking that they could get away with happiness
Over something made from the imagination

People ask me why I think like this.
I say what do you think love is?
The love I have heard about does not exist.
It lives only in stories and fantasies.

That kind of love where you can love a person and only one
Not the type where you love Three people between six months.

The type where you can die for someone
Not the one where you run when things get tough.

Love does not exist, only mutual companionship.
Whoever claims to be in love, should ask his or herself if she can die for her partner, kill for her partner or help her partner when he is in a serious shithole he cannot and may not get out from.

Most will answer yes, till that day comes.
The day when you have to make the decision and you realise it's just all none.

The love, it wasn't real
Just a mutual companionship
A phantom of the mind
Something I know is fake, but still can't stop dreaming about,
Hoping I'd experience mine.
© Naomi Obasi