

The Knight and the Phoenix
The knight and the Phoenix.

Suddenly a gush of air whooshed in and before him stood a female Phoenix ,

He was captivated by this majestic being and how it looks like she can hear what he thinks,

He was mesmerized by her beauty for she held elegance within her battle scarred wings ,

Her eyes were more human than any human and her smile tugged at all his heart strings,

She took flight and he watched as she soar above the sky as if searching for something ,

As she left for some reason this knights dead heart felt as if it began slumping,

this knight whose armour was as heavy as his burden,

Had fought many battles that he thought he died for certain,

Now drunk and dazed he looked out from the cave he made and now he calls his home,

He sat and lazed and spent everyday wasting in the dark alone,

Then one day as he looked from his cave he saw the Phoenix suddenly falling ,

In the dark he dwelled, afraid of the light outside he found himself unable to help and instead kept stalling,

He watched many men attempting to capture and cage her in the confinement of a cold steel cell,

To decorate their homes with her feathers and devour her heart but she would always rebel,

The knight watched her struggle within her flames where she died and rose again to escape,

Her strength to fight and fly in the light infatuated him and his heart began to reshape,

He took to steel and washed his bloody blade that he long thought he put behind him,

He started to stand with his heart ablaze entranced by the Phoenix soft but painful hymn,

Now renewed in mind and heart he clears the land of any evil men so the Phoenix can fly freely,

So she can find what she’s searching for with all her heart and find happiness completely,

He now strives to guide others out from the darkness of their caves but finds himself every night gazing at the sky briefly ,

To make sure the light shines at night to assist the Phoenix that he loves and respects deeply.

© BlackViper