

A Tale of Love
In a world where hearts entwine,
A tale of love begins to shine.
Let me weave a poem so fine,
Of love's embrace, so divine.

Love, a boundless symphony,
A dance of souls, wild and free.
A gentle touch, a tender kiss,
A passion that brings eternal bliss.

Love is an ocean, deep and vast,
Where emotions ebb and flow so fast.
It knows no boundaries, nor any fears,
It conquers all, dries up all tears.

Love is a flame that fiercely burns,
Igniting souls, making heads turn.
It warms the coldest of hearts,
Melting away the world's harsh parts.

Love is a language, silent yet strong,
Expressing feelings, righting every wrong.
It speaks through whispers in the night,
And in the stars' enchanting light.

Love is a shelter, a safe harbor,
Protecting hearts from any arbor.
In love's embrace, we find our peace,
A sanctuary where worries cease.

Love is a journey, an endless quest,
A bond that withstands every test.
Through valleys low and mountains high,
Love guides us, never asking why.

So let love's song forever play,
In every heart, day after day.
For love, in all its wondrous art,
Has the power to heal every broken part.
#love#her #jiril