

I'm almost 24
All my ambitions are a lengthy mile away and I haven't acquired my first car yet.
But I found peace in the softness of the breeze and in the yellowness of Autumn,
It’s nearly December and I'm seeing my first winter
maybe it'll snow and I'll make my first snow angel but I have not gotten my first house and that's okay.
I've encountered people whose bodies feel like home
and I have this poor habit of making homes out of people,
when the eviction notice is served
I end up roaming until I find another echoing heart to occupy,
I'm almost 24
My bucket list is missing blue ticks
and my goals all seem like probabilities
there's a 50/50 chance that I might win a medal or get a first class but there was a 50/50 chance that I'll blow out a birthday candle for 24 so here I am.
I have sprouted roses in my tummy
and I no longer detest what I look like,
Agony is now a distant companion
and despair barely visits anymore.
I do not have a husband or kids
but I have a lover who smells like tea and cotton candy,
I'm almost 24 and I'm falling in love with life for the first time,
I like being Alive.
© Hope