

Like a Dream
There she stood
Across the glassy stream,
Her Figure perfectly outlined
With a Heavenly gleam.

Drew closer I did
Only to take a glance,
And witnessed her beauty
As well as her seductive dance.

She danced magnificently
With the music of night,
Her beauty and radiance
Shone in the pale moonlight.

From her lips came a song
So smooth and sweet,
Thus my heart did sway
To every melodic tune and beat.

She noticed me watching
And gave me a smile,
As if she already knew
That I had been admiring her for a while.

I stared in utter amazement
As she gracefully walked towards me,
Asking me to accompany her
And I accepted willingly.

Her beauty was comparable
To Aphrodite the Goddess,
So sweet and glamourous
Her very appearance was flawless.

Her every movement resembled that of a gypsy
Mysterious and unknown,
With every turn and sway
She moved my very soul.

We danced lovingly along
The magical moonlit beam,
She was the most beautiful maiden
I had ever seen.

As if time had forever stopped
The dance felt sweet and prolonged,
I did not want her to leave
Nor would I want to end the song.

When dawn broke
And I saw no one there,
My heart saddened
For she was to be seen nowhere.

Like Orpheus in loss of his beloved
I could but hear his lament,
My heart wallowed in sorrow
Slowly covered in torment.

My heart saddened
For it all felt like a dream,
But I thank thee Morpheus
For she was the prettiest I had ever seen.

© KJ Petaia