

Forever's Dance
Oh, human realm, thy endless stage,
Where time doth turn in rhythmic bounds.
Each age, a chapter on life's page,
Repeating skies, recurring sounds.

From ancient lands, where myths unfurl,
To modern days of progress high,
We spin within a restless whirl,
Yet hear the same eternal cry.

Amidst the tapestry of years,
Adorned with love and fragile tears,
Awake we through life's vast array,
Each renaissance upon display.

With every sunrise, hope reborn,
In every sunset, wisdom gained,
We tread on paths our hearts have sworn,
Love upon love, the soul unchained.

Nature, our guide through all life's strife,
Echoes the rhythms of our souls.
With ceaseless change, this gift of life,
An ever-turning wheel that rolls.

Through generations' ebb and flow,
We seek the essence of our being,
From primal call to seeking glow,
In love and loss, forever freeing.

When flowers bloom and rivers flow,
Or storms lament in thunderous woe,
Our spirits sing in ancient rhyme,
Enchanting hearts throughout all time.

Yet as the clock's incessant chime,
Marks the passing of each day,
And memories fade with passing prime,
We yearn for what will never stay.

For time, mysterious and cruel,
A paradox of grace and strife,
From darkness to the morning's jewel,
Forever threads the fabric of life.

So let us dance upon this stage,
With joy and pain as our guide.
Through love and laughter, turn the page,
In human bonds, we see inside.

For though we journey through the years,
In cyclic song, forever entranced,
We find our solace through our tears,
In nature's harmony, love advanced.

Thus, let us celebrate our fate,
In this eternal, rhythmic song,
With each new day that we create,
The human experience, lifelong.
© NightSwimThePoet