

Beyond thoughts
Attention is the best gift we can give as humans, and listening is the pathway to understanding, but we must feel, not think if we are to comprehend that which surpasses all understanding. It is pain that has set me on a path with no return. In truth, no one is wrong; we all suffer from one sickness: the insanity of the mind.

Let's talk about this moment because the entirety of our lives is just in a moment. As the world of form would be nothing without music so is the soul without words because the entirety of creation was formed with words; so I bring words harnessed at the threshold of pain and beyond thoughts.

Follow me. Let's live so we have beautiful memories to leave, but only in living every moment can we leave beautiful memories, so live in the moment. It's like speaking through the barricades of pain and insanity, so I hope every word becomes a muse, a symphony, and a melody that helps you live in peace and harmony.
© Ddawnofpoetry7