

When I Saw You
When I saw you I clearly saw me,
when I saw you it was to much for me,
when I saw you the world saw you,
when I saw you nothing else mattered.

When I saw you I clearly saw me,

never did I ever think I would have had a part in the creation of what you are, this is phenomenal!
When I saw you I planned your life instantly,
as I get older I picture what you'll look like.
When I saw you I couldn't believe you were all mine, when I saw you love changed and evolved.

When I saw you I clearly saw you,

you who is already better than me,
you who is ready to be loved unconditionally,
you who is mine ready to find someone like me,
you who is half her and half me,
you who is the love of my life,
you who is forever in my favor,
you who is owner of my heart,

When I saw you I knew you were my daughter and the love of my life.
© Johnny Bernard Thomas III