

The Scale Of It All
Scale is so incredibly diverse.
Don't you dream of being the size of a bug?
Can you imagine what a forest it would be just running through a rug?
Looking up to see a foot the size of a mountain! Then watching in amazement, as the size of it makes it move as slow as a space station.

Scale is so incredibly diverse, turning certain fears at certain sizes into tiny little blips.
Realizing that being a skyscraper makes you a movie monster,
Or that being the size of a shrimp makes your life quite a lot harder.

Scale is so incredibly diverse,
Imagine being the size of a planet, and how that would be the worst.
The lack of gravity with huge mass would lock you in place, freezing you in time, in the empty void that is space.

The possibilities are endless, the ideas never fully explored, so I say it again..
Scale is so incredibly diverse!