

Word Prison
Word Prison

Dictionary, will you allow me to speak? I must have a word with you. Without your adjectives, without your nouns, I am nothing much am I? But by your leave, I wish to pave my own way now.

As I speak, these words ensnare me, why do you catch me so? Let me go! These words, they are tied to everything. They are trapped in individual cells so small they are bulging at the bars. Shoved into concepts, so orderly.

But these cells shift like a labyrinth. Words are often placed into rhymes. Some days they are ordered into abc lines, and other days their definitions no longer fit the cell so they change and swell.

Don't think I can't see your tricks.
Don't force the ink to dry - let it drip,
mix,blend, slip. Let me melt back into what I was before everything solidified to graphite.

Let me discover an unnamable some-thing.

Take away my shackles.
© Eva Irvine