

Inaction Breeds Stagnancy--Move for the Future
The door to tomorrow,
Opens in the shadows of today,
So brush aside the path of sorrow,
And make your way

The door to today,
Opens up the possibilities of tomorrow.
If you do not live openly and actively in today,
Then tomorrow will have already passed you by.

I mean, seriously. Think about it.
If your mind is constantly wandering about here to there.
There to here. Then the path becomes not so clear.

The past is over.
The only past that repeats itself is what you let repeat itself.
What you create for yourself.

The future is not yet here & is unforseen.
Focusing too much on what you think is going to happen in the future is wasted energy.
The future has not happened yet, so you do not know what will happen.
Anticipating future action breeds inaction in the present.

Inaction in the present results in stagnancy.
Staying in one place while everything else and everyone else moves on and past.
The future is a pretty lousy place when the present is unproductive and boring, yet still dreadfully draining and tiring.
It is like you're working towards something, but really you're always 4 steps back.
Trying hard to make it to that door...
The door to tomorrow.
The door to possibilities.
The door to wonder.
The door to every single thing.
But that door cannot open in stagnancy.
It's not that it just won't the door literally can't...

Everyone deserves the door to tomorrow.
No one deserves to be stuck.
Lost in your own mind--
Your own way
Without a door
To Escape.
So let yourself relax yourself,
Everything is alright--you'll be
just fine.

Take that jump.
Make the leap.
Into the future
Eyes wide with anticipation and excitement
For you don't know what path lies before you,
You haven't been there yet to know one way or the other.

If you have the choice,
Don't choose stagnancy.
Choose action.
Choose the future.

Open the door in front of you.
Enjoy every little bit of unknown future ahead of you.

Not knowing is the fun part.