

Strands of Lapis
I come and go and see her face
Always in the same, but I see in every place
Her strands of lapis set her out from any crowd
She says few words but she is very loud.
I tell myself I won't again
But she seems to push right in.
I hoped and wanted and watched and waited.
I mask a better, masqueraded.
And now I regret, I'm disappointed this hope I hated.
I grow restless of the effort to be human.
Always the same result, I want to be a new man.
This can't be fair nor what I deserve,
For only her am I unnerved.
When my sly chill is how I address
She leaves me stuttering a mess.
Always when I find reason to care,
I learn another trick of snare.
And now I lose again my trust of fair
To the girl I know with the long blue hair.
© Yoda