

I Wonder
I wonder,
Can you hear me, see me?
Do you even care that what you did tore a hole in the fabric of which was supposed to be your road traveled to the end of this thing called life.

I wonder,
In the silence between clicks, did the slideshow shutter dark or did it flash bright white with snapshots of the goodtime's?
Did you see the ones you considered forgotten about?, or did you assume they had forgotten about you?

Why is it called such sweet sorrow when it is bitter in the mouths of bitten bloodied tongues.
I wonder...
I wonder....
I wonder.....

How was it so straight forward yet so spaced out it seemed like eternity, I wonder did the seconds tick back blaring in your ear drums till they threatened to burst?
Or was it silenced by the click
of that god awful clicking bomb.

I wonder, I wonder, I wonder, can you see this, are you reading this?

Or did you finally find something worth living for in whatever you found listening to the bay waters lapping against the rock's beneath your feet.

I wonder.
I wonder..
I wonder...

© SaraM