

They say that the eyes are the window to the heart
So why is it that I can't take mine away from you
Why is it that each time I stare I find myself diving in an ocean of panic
A madness of thoughts and hypothesis
A sea of whys and hows till my heart can't take it

I never really liked the sky until I met your eyes
A blue so gorgeous that takes my breath away sometimes
A golden hair reminding me of the beach on a sunny day
Or the sun during sunrise
I love your smile and your laugh
A smile so contagious that I can't help myself but smile
And a laugh that feels so warm sometimes

I know it might sound like I'm hopeless but what can I do when my heart wants someone but my mind refuses it
I can barely hide my feelings In front of you
Despite everything I try to keep my cool
Yet sometimes it's so hard it makes me look like a fool

I want to get to know you, talk to you more and be friendly with you
I want to get close to you
As selfish as it can be
I already had to gather my courage to write this letter
So another act of bravery doesn't matter

I might not be good with words, but I know how to write them
After all sometimes words are not meant to be said but to be read
So indulge me sweetheart and allow me a piece of your thoughts as an answer for this poem that I wrote.

© maya