

A Deadman
He's there, yet time fades the likeness of your mind. Even though time degrades the mind, those feelings that hug your heart stay eternal. A love can't fade no matter the time that passes, it's scary to feel those emotions, 'cause they'll never truly fade unless you lock your heart. I locked my heart, no key can open it, no fire can burn it, ice can't make it brittle and even a smile cannot melt my fear away. I locked my heart for 12 reasons and hid 2 secrets within it. I named myself Process 12 because it's a scar I bare, it's a smile I once knew and it's everything I am. Yesterday, I looked for the beautiful eyes of lightning and roaring sound of thunder, as a kid. I always believed that I drew my strength from lightning and thunder, because to me they were lovers. Lightning and thunder were lovers in my mind, but cursed lovers. I fell in love with this idea, but cried at this thought. When I was 5 or 6 years old, I was almost struck by lightning. That day gave me strength because I saw the woman that comes to me in my dreams. I don't understand it myself, but I'm happy. I'm happy that today a Deadman made me smile, even in death he could create a smile with his voice and I hope his soul is content with the smiles he has made over the years. Since a Deadman could make me smile, it has made me stronger and to keep seeking my dreams. It's my heart that desires this, though my mind is stuck between itself. Scared to make a mistake, but I'm thankful for this Deadman. He gave me the push that I needed, I won't doubt myself. I know what I want. Don't let your faded mind forget yourself and your aspirations. Remember, I'll always believe in you. So, lets achieve our goals, dreams and aspirations.
© Process-12