

Thank You...

Thank You for all the rejections. Because of them, I learned how to accept myself. I learned how to pick myself up. I learned how to do life on my own. Rejections are just Your way of eliminating things and people who don’t belong in my life.

Thank You for the people who didn’t love me. Because of them, I learned how to love myself. I learned how to build my own happiness. I learned how to be complete on my own. Self-love is one of the best gifts You have given me.

Thank You for those who didn’t believe in me. Because of them, I learned how to believe in myself. I learned how to build self-esteem. I learned that success comes when I say, “I can.” Confidence is what You put in me to go through it all.

Thank You for those who choose to walk away. Because of them, I learned how to protect myself. I learned how to give my trust only to those who earn it. I learned how not to depend on anyone. Closed doors are opportunities to open new ones.

Thank You for those who didn’t want to build with me. Because of them, I learned how to create goals on my own. I learned how to work for the life I want. I learned how to work my way up alone. Strength that comes from You is what keeps me motivated.

Thank You for all the distractions. Because of them, I learned how they can easily bring you to the wrong place. I learned the importance of focus. I learned how to always put myself first. Distractions are the enemy’s way of keeping me from fulfilling my purpose.

Thank You for all the hardships. Because of them, I learned how to cope with life. I learned how to find solutions to my problems. I learned how to value everything that I have. Tough times are meant to make me stronger, wiser, and better.

Thank You for all the pains. Because of them, I learned how to find healing in You. I learned how to trust in You. I learned how to find my completeness only in You. Pain is temporary, but Your love is eternal.

Thank You. All those lessons were hard at the beginning. All those pains shattered me in pieces. But they all put me in the place where I am now. A healthy place where I am both happy and fulfilled with all that I’ve got.

What do I call you ...
In all things,
I call you Thank You
I thank you...