

Fear of a Girl 🤫🤐😣
Girl walking in a street alone,
Dreaming to achieve milestone,
Wearing a purple gown,
Covering top to down,
Followed by a rascal,
Who is biting an apple,
Her heartbeat running fast,
Like it is going to blast,
Her Soul was screaming,
Boy was dreaming,
When someone is questioning ,
Her body was trembling,
Forwarding steps full of fear,
Afraid to change a gear.
Girl walking in a street alone,
Dreaming to achieve a milestone.

That day she was feeling so lonely,
Who used to walk alone mostly,
I will never walk alone said her mind,
Which was afraid of a humankind,
Boy stopped at one place,
To tie his shoes lace,
Girl thinking he fell down,
Ran and reached the town,
Now her heart felt silent,
Which was so violent,
That day she was feeling so lonely,
Who used to walk alone mostly.