

I wish a wish
I think a thought
I dream a dream
Very close to heart
I know one day
it'll all go away
the pain, the tradegy
if I could take it all back
the words the actions
there would be no complications
no grieve no relations
but I cannot change the past
I have no time
today won't last
but I have a future
where I can learn about other cultures
I dream a dream
I wish a wish
tomorrow will be a new day
and hopefully it will be sunny
the world would be better
we'll all be laughing with one another
if you could just realized
that the world needs help
so stop being sarcastic
stop saying yelp
it's a matter of time
the world isn't only yours or mine
we need to work together
so we can help or beautiful home
because it's very
oh very

© @Kacie-Ann McDermot