

Love at first sight !!!
Is it not a magic???

Moon eats itself
For their growth!!!
Is it not a magic???

Coin size of sun hides
The world size of darkness in it !!!
Is it not a magic???

Earth revolves for every second
Till today it hits nothing (any strong object)
Even though it has the power of gravity!!!
Is it not a magic???

Vaccum keeps the earth,
Stars, planets and everything in it !!!
Is it not a magic???

Technology were not jumped from sky
Just soils of our lands
Become today's mobile,
Computer, rockets so and so.. !!!
Is it not a magic???

Lifeless water gives life
For all lives !!!
Is it not a magic???

Cloud serves the umbrella
In summer and rains in winter !!!
Is it not a magic???

One paddy can become
A hundreds of paddy!!!
A handful of seeds can become
A green forest..!!!
Is it not a magic???

While bird flying..!!!
Is it not a magic for human???
When hummingbird flying backwards!!!
Is it not a magic for other birds???
When phoenix bird born again
Through its specialisation rebirth !!!
Is it not a magic for all living things???

Tortoise can find direction
For it's location
From any other continent !!!
Is it not a magic of tortoise???

Poem !!!
Is not a magic of pen???

Seeing dreams...!!!
Is it not a magic of closed eyes???
Showing Love...!!!
Is it not a magic of hidden heart???
Birth and death !!!
Is it not a magic of every body's???

Magic makes quick transformation,
Before come to the realization,
Cause extreme confusion,
Without knowing any kind of conclusion,
Look like the exact illusion.

Usually magician does magic
By hide something
Or convert something
Into some other thing.
But here one magician
Does all of his magic
By hiding himself
And also he creates
Many more magician makers
That is GOD...