

You were supposed to be the one to hold me while I cried.
Now you're a forever-forgotten whirlwind around my heart.
Leaving me wounded like a soldier in battle with a spear between my ribs.
You continue to push and twist the blade,
forever holding me in your grasp,
but not in the way I wanted
and not in the way I needed.

I wanted your touch.
I wanted your love.
I needed you to like me.
I needed you to be there.
You forever whisper words I can never make out.
You forever taunt me with what I never did wrong.
Sometimes I wonder if you feel the same ache I do when I look at your face.
It's that same spear stabbing again and again into my ribcage,
forever leaving an unrepairable hole in my chest.

I drag the metal of your heart against my skin,
leaving lighter messages that will never let me forget you.
Every mark of your sharp words leaves a spot,
that will never leave.
I wish I could hate you for it.
I wish I never met you.
I wish you never left.

© aliconic