

Common Sense Isn't So Common
Common sense isn't so common, it's a rare find
A gem that's hidden, in a world left behind
A voice that whispers, in the noise and the fray
A guiding light, that shines brighter with each passing day

It's the ability, to see things clear and bright
To cut through the nonsense, and shine with all its might
To know what's right, and what's wrong, without a doubt
To be a beacon, in a world that's lost its way out

Common sense isn't so common, it's a treasure rare
A gift that's given, to those who truly care
To think critically, to question and explore
To seek the truth, and open doors

So let us cherish, this gift so fine and true
And use it wisely, to see our way through
For common sense, is a light that shines so bright
And guides us forward, into the light of day and night.

(Note: This poem is inspired by the idea that common sense is a valuable and rare quality, and that it requires critical thinking, curiosity, and a desire for truth to possess it)
© The Chronic Loner