

Tides Of Tranquillity
Waves of calm come and go
Brings peace and tranquility wherever they go
The gentle waves soothe the soul
And in her embrace we find our destiny

You bring us to such a peaceful place
Where the spirit is pure and the heart pure
waves of calm fade away
All the distress and anxiety of the day

As we stand on the shore and watch them glide by
We feel the presence of this divine power
calm tides speak to us
From beyond where there is no confusion

They remind us, to let go of the past
And embrace the present, with love that lasts
The tides of tranquility, they bring us hope
And teach us to trust, in Lord's scope

So we succumb to the waves of peace
And lead us to a place of peace
Because in her embrace we find peace
He sets us free and puts an end to our sorrows. Waves of calm, silence so serene
Peace you can feel and see
Like waves gently kissing the shore
Calm tides are coming

It's a moment of happiness amidst the chaos
A break from an often noisy world
Time for reflection and search for inner peace
Deliver us like tides of calm

It is a feeling of stillness that is difficult to describe
The feeling of existing that makes us grow
Calm tides carry us home
In a place of peace that we have always known

As we bask in the beauty of this calm tide
We become one with divinity
tides of calm, a gift from above
A moment of peace that fills us with love

Let's enjoy these moments when they come
And let the tides of calm help us to become
The best versions of ourselves, pure and true