

An Angel with broken wings
late nights are the worst, closing eyes I see the hurts. the hurts I caused the day I uprooted you from my heart, turning all that love into the hates.
The hates i have for every Human being who moves around with breasts, for me breasts are the only symbol for a beast. because of the harm you caused my soul can never find a mate. Its dying to be with someone but the mind says no cause you made me look like the bad one when its you who made the cuts. the cuts that have gone beyond the heart, cutting the only road love takes to enter the world which happens to be trust.
yes I cant trust no more, I cant love no more, My love is screaming in the basement of my mind saying its dark out in here. the loneliness of my soul is what the pain feeds on.
you broke the wings of the angel in me, the thought of love scares me to death, for i would rather die than feel what i felt.

© blessedRestoration