

If I ever loved you
Than I want you to know
That there are bits of you
I drank in
That are now apart of my soul.

If I ever loved you
I want you to know
There is no expiration or contingency in that.
Even if you are departed,
or we went on different paths.

If I ever loved you
and there were tears that fell,
I'd now like to thank you,
And always wish you well. For those tears were like diamonds that lit up the way.
On a path I can now revisit,
In a different way.

But if ever I loved you,
and you are me...
Then see , there is no separation- only unity.
And If ever I loved you...
And you ARE me,
Then I am them,
And they are we.
And we are all eternal.

We are Infinity.

So, if ever I miss you
I will look into the mirror and smile...
When I see that it is you. -You have never left,
I will sit with you awhile.
And if ever,
Ever I loved,
Love you
by Lindsey Morrison (Lindsey Diane Logsdon)
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