

my mistake
My Mistake?

I was wearing a short skirt,
I thought all I was being was a pert!
The Morn when I left my home,
Was then I breaking any norm?

I was with a boy, wasn't I?
Thought I was safe, or was it a lie?
I wished to reach that place in time,
Was then I doing any crime?

I bought the ticket to my destination,
or wait, was it for my cremation?
No one's bad, I thought so all along!
Was then I into anything wrong?

They hit a rod on his head,
'throw him out' the leader said!
And so they did, I cried out loud,
But none to hear me in the Delhi crowd!

The bastards raped me one by one,
Ripping my soul for sake of fun!
In my anguish, I cried out loud,
But none to hear me in the Delhi crowd!

when sex was less to let me flee,
they inserted a rod inside of me!
Turned inside out, I cried out loud,
But none to hear me in the Delhi crowd!

Thrown out of bus then I was!
For me, none from the crowd did pause,
Naked, Bleeding to death, I cried out loud,
But none to hear me in the Delhi crowd!

My mistake? That I was born a girl!
Of mother's eyes I was a pearl!
The eyes where nothing but tears are left,
For my shattered dreams and future cleft!

My mistake? That I was born a girl!
Of father whose dreams i'd unfurl
Had not my life turned to nightmare,
For the event I considered to happen so rare!

My mistake? That I was born a girl!
A sister to brothers of age to cuddle.
I was to be the earning member to family,
Another goal turned to pieces so simply!

My mistake? That I was born a girl
Thought to rejoice life, to whirl n swirl,
Who survived so many years of life,
To b ripped to pieces without a knife!

My mistake??
Indeed, that I was born a girl!