

The Beginning of Days
The rivers run with blood,
the water hasn't been safe to drink,
we'll take a bullet to the chest,
to stop the bullets coming from our mouths,
because the truth hurts.

To them our silence is golden,
don't get lost in their silver lining,
it's just as much a illusion as the world we live in.

The price they'll pay for their ignorance,
will be their own sons and daughters,
speaking so loud it cracks the core of the earth,
leaving a rippling echoe throughout time and space,
causing those who control the mass,
to fall on weakened knees pleading their case.

No longer able to deny what has been so long hidden,
the fact that we are god and goddess,
now learning to control a power that was once deemed forbidden,
by those who walked the roads before us and taught others to see through the veil.

They already know we have the numbers,
but yet know not of what we're capable,
as that is something we are all starting to learn,
and as we're taught from the one before,
we pass the lantern to the next to have a turn.

We're forged by water, and earth,
and born of wind and fire,
through the dark abyss we've traveled,
and our tears turn the ash we rise from into the paste we paint our face with;

As we are the warriors,
our blood passed on through generations,
taking the time on our own to learn to perfect our ways,
and once we come together as one,
we will call it the beginning of days.
© Nick Wallace