

Was it right
Was it right, what I did?
Was I too harsh?
We were only kids...
Everyone grows apart eventually.

Was it right to block you out?
I was just sparing myself the pain.
Everyday I wonder if maybe
I had kept in touch, would we still be friends?

Was it right to pin it on you?
Or was I the problem?
Does everything happen for a reason?
Do I destroy every good thing I have?

Was it right to stay away?
Every time I didn't get what I wanted?
Was I too greedy to accept that
I couldn't have everything?

Was it right to say I was the victim?
Or was it you – thinking I'm the villain?
Constantly asking, constantly apologising,
But did I listen?

Was it right to just stay and stare?
Looking into your eyes every time I saw you?
Replaying the memories in my head –
Regret lurking in every one.

Was it right to think I would recover?
That I wouldn't think about you every day?
Hoping that you would be doing the same?
When really, I'm just a pinprick of thought in your head.

Was it right to tell myself I had moved on?
To exaggerate every interaction?
When really it was only you who had healed –
From the pain that I inflicted.