

Update On United Love
Hi Everyone,
Here's a little update on UNITED LOVE project
You know I'm working on this project with a lot of people... With Americans, Africians, Asians, Europeans, Australians.
So, I'm currently collaborating with Nigerians, Jamaican, French, Americans, Indians etc
And we're making good progress...
The poems are coming out perfecting well...Actually Mind-Blowing....Extremely Impartful....All to the Glory of God.

Okay, so, you know that UNITED LOVE is launching in August 2020

UNITED LOVE comprises of variety of poems; cutting across the entire world

Okay, so, here's a little clips to what UNITED LOVE is going to be releasing.

It's a collaborative poem written by a Nigerian Girl (named Esther Eyo) and me (Daydawn)

Held bound
In my own desires
With endless trials

By My Addiction
By Masturbation

Oh my Addiction
Held me bound in sin's cage
Oh my Addiction
Stagnant in my unflipped page

I was a sinner
Felt like a prisoner
Trapped in my desires unwanted
Yet My Deliverer
Freed me from me

He has made all things new
Including You
No more your sins are counted
Gone those desires unwanted

We are cleaned by our Saviour
No more a failure
No more trying to be Righteous
We are Righteous

And when your mind considers your past
Remember your past didn't last
Give up the old
And do as your told

And Embrace the New

There's more coming up in August 2020
You don't want to miss it
Please, kindly share this post with everyone you know