

The town of Chrysanthemum

Lurking in the shadows,
Creeping in the distance,
Limping to the nearest bush to hide, camouflage.
As the flowers swayed side to side and the birds sang their delicate song,
And the cats on the fence ran to the roof of Mr Smith's house,
And the ants on the tarmac path ran and dashed and hurried,
And the mice crept and kept looking for the luscious cheese,
And the old men continued walking back to the village,
Where the robins hide in the tree,
And the berries that grow on trees can kill you,
And the ambience of the forest will make you feel like you are dreaming.

But back in the town of Chrysanthemum,
Danger lurked in the houses of Mayberry Alley.
Miss Smith had caused a house fire,
A criminal was on the run,
Mrs Peter's cat was missing,
Graffiti was reported all over the street,
Evidence of theft was found,
Millions of pounds worth of jewelry was taken,
Katelyn Louise Ellis was murdered,
What was going on?

Mayberry Alley was now crime street,
With something bad happening every day,
More clues, more evidence,
More witnesses to be found,
And what was that very creepy sound?

Who could it be? Louise? Martha? Emmeline?
Or maybe it could be the shy girl,
Or the popular brat.
Or the teenager who stayed in his room.
Tell me who it could be! Tell me who!

More evidence. A diary before Katelyn's death.
And now it was not too late,
To read.
'My mother and father are on a boat in the Mediterranean sea,
I am home alone, just my sister and me.
My sister will not stop fighting,
And shouting,
And pushing.
I need someone to help me. My cat will only walk away,
But where is sister going?'

' Sister!'

Thank you for reading.

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