

They ask "who is that girl in the corner?"
I say "she is my treasure"
"I have never seen her before," they answer.
but they just don't see you like I do,
you're presence to me was like the moon.
sitting in your corner, brightening the room.

They ask me, "Does she even laugh?"
but they just don't know you like I do
when you open that mouth with a smile from my corniest jokes
Your joy is more contagious than any virus.
you can make me smile even if my world is outrageous.

They ask, "Why is she so quiet"
are they serious?
I guess they just don't hear you like I do.
But if they just took their time to sit next to you,
and if they looked into your gleaming eyes,
then they would hear your endless thoughts,
no time would suffice .
they can't hear it, but I can see your silence and it's loud.

They ask me "why is she your treasure?"
My answer is because you are like a mine
I find you more precious as I get to know you deeper.
You are worth more to me than any amount gold or silver.

© Grace Powetry