

Chaos and Stillness
She was the stillness in the storm, the silence that invites reflection. Every word she spoke was measured, every gesture, deliberate. Her life was woven into the details, in the quiet moments she found between the pages of a book or in the whisper of the wind at dusk.

He, on the other hand, was the fire that never knew rest. The one who laughed loudly, who ran without looking back, as if every second was too short for all he wanted to live. Where she saw tranquility, he found space for a new challenge. And though they seemed like two separate worlds, it was precisely that which brought them together.

In her eyes, he saw what he had always sought without knowing it: a place to rest, where time wouldn’t slip through his fingers. And she, in his laughter, discovered what she never dared to desire: the spark that awakened her soul, the light that illuminated her silences.

It wasn’t easy at first. He exasperated her with his constant drive, while she made him feel trapped in her quietude. But over time, they learned it wasn’t about changing each other, but about acceptance. About embracing the chaos he brought and the refuge she offered.

And so, between laughter and silence, they created something they could never have imagined alone. A love that danced between opposites, where every difference was a piece of the puzzle that made them whole.
© Luis Mujica