

Child of Mine
Sweet child of mine
How you were loved the moment we met
So perfect in innocence

Borrowed child of mine
How grief-stricken to have you taken
So hopeful the time together was forever

Ignorant child of mine
How you terrorized everyone and everything
So oblivious of the havoc left behind

Rebellious child of mine
How you despised the word “NO”
So adamant to follow the teenage way

Liberated child of mine
How your face radiated joy being on your own
So grateful to be away from the rules

Naïve child of mine
How boastful you were with those rocks
So amazed to have captured the perfect mate

Imperfect child of mine
How a heart wept to hear you cry dejectedly
So powerless, to take away the hurt

Responsible child of mine
How proud it felt to see you get back up
So nothing would destroy the fighter inside

Farewell child of mine
How peaceful it was leaving you
So serene, in knowing a woman was born

© Zara Emmanuelle