


Void of light,
Encompassing wind of night,
Vision less and misplaced sight

Dancing to the tune of men.
Loitering in the class of mends.
Swallowed in the consuming
Trashing thoughts of blindness.

Foolish and easily tossed ,
Sad smilings,and blissful tortures .

Grows yet remains immatured.
Dreams, hopes and visions all ruptured.

Nights of great Falling.
Mornings of boisterous wailing.
Evenings of painful mourning.

Blind, can't see.
There are so much in this sea.
Precious are those visions if seen.
Cherished are those thoughts if known.

Gems in you keeps perishing.
The vision gets blurred and all threshing.

The mirror you envisioned yourself, is all broken.
But, rather you sat and pretended to have gotten a token.

You're blind yes!
Nay I say not.
There is still a ray of light.
Look past from those obstacles and regain that sight.

Rise up ! Oh blind.
Brace up yourself !
Up for a fight .
To get your sight.