


She threw of the shackles of loneliness and sadness
She broke through the chains of pain and anger
She leapt through the bridges of guilt
Swimming towards a new start
To reach the place what she had first lost

She revived back her laughter
Her chastity and her life
That once had been long forgotten
Perished and out of her sight

She stripped off her cloak of agony
Dressing into a new one
One woven out of happiness
Stringed with the beads of fun

She wrenched back her smile
From the dark void
She rolled back her tears
To breathe again ,to feel alive

She treaded on the road of love
That she had first missed
Oh and it was a blissful sight
To feel her heart ,prospering and pumping once again

She got back the remnants of her knowledge and wisdom
That she had once set on flames
But now from those ashes
She could read again

Now she is a new person
One free of all worries
And that is called freedom

Leaving all the ashes of sadness behind
And striding on a new path
A new voyage