


Just after a gentle shower you see a rainbow,
While going through the woods in cavorting auras, The birds are all so friendly wherever you go,
In every tree they sing you a chorus.

Definitely obvious changes in the seasons,
Nature enjoying its emergence of renewal,
Birds providing the soundtrack with reasons,
Past season’s cold is no longer as cruel.

Squirrels and rabbits find reasons to frolic,
As young new life scampers about,
Rejuvenated energy is symbolic,
In humans and nature throughout.

New vigor suddenly seems to appear,
Unencumbered from Winter’s oppression,
Familiar signs of Spring is here,
As it begins to take its rightful possession.

Warmer weather is soon approaching,
The shedding of heavy layers disappear,
Everything around is obviously growing,
A new season of hope is finally here.

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