

Who am I

A thousand sham faces we sport
trying to fit in
yes a thousand of them,
stacked up in the empty halls in our heads and yet there is one fragile
one that is long forgotten
behind those veils
for years longing to be accepted, and acknowledged while we are lost,
in the mirage of applause, we receive for the act we put on.
but there comes a moment when we can no longer hide,
when we can no longer run,
petrified we stand and stare at the mirror scared of the person in front of us
no longer familiar, but distant
vulnerable and raw with all her walls broken down, but there is hope
as long as she believes
in the power of time,
to mend all of her wounds.
The scars will make her strong and fearless,
the pain will turn her fierce,
and the trials will turn her into something more beautiful, irresistible
to be moulded into a fighter,
becoming a fire
that burns, setting alight
the dry straw of self-doubt.

A quest to find who you are, behind the scenes, I dare you to go for it.