


O fate, bloody fate!
Why is it always me?
Sunshine, rain, snow,
Why you always wreck me?
What wrong had I done,
That I was left alone by everyone.
How for friends did I long!
But what you gave me were only sad songs.
You made my life hell;
Did not I deserve to live well!
Whatever I had you took it away,
Why not just slay me as a hunter does to its prey.
It's better a lot to die this way,
Than to live and cry for everything you took away.
You gave me sorrow, you gave me pain,
You gave me suffering & tragedies rained.
I asked for someone to accompany my walk,
What you gave me instead were path full of rocks.
I kept my calm and thought :
Smooth sea do not make skillful sailors;
I was yet to realise,
The pain till now was just a trailer.
I asked my friends the fault on my part,
Their silent lips without answer just tore me apart.
I prayed to Him to give me courage,
But yet I was to face
The final hours that discourage.
I was wounded, I was broken, I was very low,
And then fate came with its final fatal blow.
It took away the thing I most priced,
My lady love without whom
It was now impossible to rise.
All my prayers went into vain,
As fate looked down on me with such disdain.
Nothing is left, I am alone,
And what I desire is eternal sleep
But fate I dispise you for sowing such sour seeds,
Fruits of which one day you will surely have to reap.
You will pay for your sins, your crimes,
My kinsmen will abuse you thousands of times.
This time you won the battle,
But we shall meet again.
A day will come when
I shall make repayment of the pain.
Just wait for the day,
When I shall be powerful and you insane.
For now,
I will be remembered as a martyr
And you as a gory murderer.
People on my funeral would surely murmur O fate, bloody fate!
O fate, bloody fate.