

The Dew in the Leaves

These piercing winds mark the arrival of the winter,
And with it, comes the torment of the long night,
In the mausoleum of past, I start to disinter,
I bring back all the memories, from obscurity to light.
Earlier, I wished that these long nights may never end,
It was the only time when you honoured me by your presence,
Ahh!! Those invisible poems on your back that my fingers penned,
The dawn meant your return and an end to a night intense.
Only the leaves, could associate with my pain and sorrow,
The foliage, too, battles the chilly nights, as it craves the touch of the dew
Each day we prepare ourselves, to face the same ordeal tomorrow,
We bid farewell to our beloved, with the rising Sun's crimson - hue .

© the_perturbed_psyche