

Scary Movie
Life is a scary movie,
With many twists and turns,
Each day a new adventure,
In another story unfold.

The sun may rise with promise,
Casting shadows in its wake,
But lurking in the darkness,
Are fears we cannot shake.

We walk through haunted hallways,
Of memories and dreams,
Facing ghosts of past decisions,
And echoes of silent screams.

There are monsters in our closets,
And whispers in the night,
Doubts that creep upon us,
In the absence of light.

Yet through this chilling journey,
We find our inner might,
For even in the darkest scenes,
There's always a spark of light.

Although the plot may twist and thicken,
With terrors and with trials,
But courage is our armor,
And hope our constant dial.

Yes, life is a scary movie,
But it's also an epic tale,
Of bravery, love, and resilience,
Where in the end, we all prevail!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo