

Why Don't Some of Us Get Rich? 😭
Why don't some of us get rich,
Is it fate or just a glitch?
Do we not work hard enough,
Or is there something more tough?

We strive and struggle every day,
Hoping wealth will come our way,
But still we find ourselves in debt,
Wondering why success we haven't met.

Could it be the lack of luck,
Or a lack of resources and pluck?
Or maybe, just a simple choice,
One that determines our financial voice.

But there's one thing we can be sure,
That success doesn't come from a cure,
It's a combination of many things,
Effort, strategy, and determination brings.

So let's not give up in despair,
And keep working without a care,
For wealth and success can be found,
With persistence and hard work all around.

© Brown Sketchys 🖋️