

This stretch of time
Between Christmas
and New Year's
Feels like we're in limbo
Not quite the end of one year
Not quite the beginning of the new
One foot in last year
One foot in the new year
Reflecting upon the events of past
While hoping and praying for the new
Quite the balancing act it feels
To live in this week of new

A gymnasts' routine on the balance beam
Automatic deduction of points
Would be given if a slight movement askew
A bridge across a rough river
Take one mistep and in you go
Hopefully you can swim

Or perhaps you're cheering the whole way
Like a busfull of kids on the last day of school

Or butterflies fluttering happily into a world they don't know will end short

For me, this week is very poignant
I take inventory...

The death of someone I so deeply loved
Grieving him, refusing to let go
Crying everyday for the past seven months,
I'm sure the tears will still flow

A loved one's cancer diagnosis
Watching that person seem to fade away
Riding off into the Western sunsets he watches on television
Yet trying to remain hopeful
Praying many times a day

Wondering what this new year brings us
Terrified, nervous, sick-to-my-stomach
Curious, a little bit hopeful

Always trying to do what the tattoo on my wrist reminds me;
to find JOY,
to choose JOY,
to spread JOY

Goodbye and Hello
Hello and Goodbye
We can say some of each, to each year

In the end, we just don't know.
Be brave. Be bold. Cry when you need.
Talk, write, get your feelings out.

To those who have loved me, supported me, gifted me, listened to me, held me, sat quietly while I cried...

Thank you.

Merry Christmas.

Happy New Year.

Happy Holidays to those who believe or celebrate differently.

You are all so very important to me.

Goodbye 2023
Hello 2024

© Jessica LC Weller.

#merrychristmas #happynewyear #2023 #2024 #goodbye #hello