

Foreplay. We Danced.
I planted a warm kiss on her forehead,
But her lips were jealous.
I felt guilty,
So I planted a watery kiss on her lips,
But her neck was jealous.

I felt guilty again,
And I planted kisses on her neck,
Before her bulged breasts' eyes caught mine.
They had straight faces but I knew something in the songs my lips fore played on her skin was amiss.

And so I spiced up the lyrics of love in the air,
By rhyming a touch with a kiss.
I ran my fingers through her hair,
Her back was jealous,
I felt guilty.

So I stroked her spine like a plucking strings of Spanish guitar,
Her hip got jealous.
I moved my hands down her hips,
To do what they can do best.

My chest was poked by the nipples of her breasts,
They craved the same treat,
So I touched them.
The rest is a history you can guess.

Our hearts beat between the sweet sound of silence,
And yes, we danced in the dark.
© omega*3