

mister master.
I am a spiral staircase
I am a fair lady
want you to hate me, hate me
but love me, love me
I'm a shimmering rainbow
but I get washed out
under this heavy screen

your hands gripped tight
or maybe even loose
but you still don't notice that
I still can't manage to breathe

keeping me in tact
but you still feel so damn far away
these words are still floating in the air
they twist and intertwine
dripping with disdain
and tighten around my neck as a noose
do you want me, do you want me?

I wear your attention like a collar
and I still love you with
your rope around my throat
but I'm tired of being watched now
go ahead and try to end me
because I will only allow it
revel in it
really just fully come undone with it
would you want me,
would you want me any other way?

my brain slaps a hand over my mouth
like how could I even say that
I still love you like a knife
pressed sharp against my throat
but I wear my smile like a loaded gun
it is all just a matter of fun
would you really?
would you really have me any other way?