

A love like no other.........
Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord, lash out with the tongue and die by the sword.
Grace and mercy set us free, forgiveness, gives us eyes to see. Though others may have done us wrong, God's true love is what heals and makes us strong.
The one without sin, cast the first stone, dont judge others sins until you've first examine your own.
For there was only one who made it through this life, perfect and sinless but still filled with strife. They nailed his hands and feet to a tree, He could of stopped them but he didnt, for me.
And though some think bcuz He was the "Son" it was easy to do, but He was fully a human no different from you.
Next time your caught up in all your complaining, stop yourself and listen to what your saying. Look to the Lord and drop to your knees and give thanks to the One who calms the great seas.
Give thanks to the Father, for sending the One, the One who saved all, that One was the Son.
If you ever again question His love for you, look at your own child to see what for you He did do.
Could you let your own childs hands and feet be nailed to a tree? That's what God did because He loves you and me.