

Shadow of Despair

A fragile form, tired of the stakes
Complaints grow, as chaos awakes
Fatigue falls, seeking a break
Wiping all the sweat it takes

Suffering reigns, clearer each day
Every word tears steal away
The tale remains in sorrow's sway
Hard to trust the world's array

Welcoming grief as disaster draws near
As if doom's shadow suddenly appears
Weary from guessing thoughts unclear
Thinking time might heal what's dear

Steadfastly feeling through the wild
Longing for wisdom to inspire the mild
Watching people race, unbeguiled
Hoping happiness finds us reconciled

Uneasy thoughts chasing fate
Guessing if the abyss leaves its weight
Worry and bitterness refuse to abate
Eternally lurking, sealing our fate
© Akura Popo