

"I wish people were honest and real," a nagging acquaintance said walking beside me. I slowed down and thought about it, "would you accept someone being honest and real with you" I asked quietly and slowly, I wanted my words to have an impact, I wanted her to think deeply about the meaning of my words.
"yes" she answered without thinking like most people would, "I don't think so". "why?" she was surprised I went against her reply. "if I told you that I didn't like you or that I didn't want to be your friend, wouldn't you term me as rude?," I said looking at her eyes, she hesitated, I saw it coming, she'd him- "yes I'll take it like you're rude" "Have you forgotten you wanted an honest person?, the person was just being real with you, I thought you'd want that" I quickly walked forward and left her to her thoughts, I was sick with people saying they needed honest people yet they couldn't stand them.
I wonder why everyone has to put on a mask to make themselves accepted, can't I not like you as a person? shouldn't you be able to walk up to me and tell me you didn't like me? I'd feel sad but still, you're being you.
in our present-day world, however, people please people and put on a masks to hide who they are, I get uncomfortable around people who are too nice, I wonder if it's just a mask, I shouldn't worry about that and go with the flow you might say but at times it's hard especially when I see people backstab each other and act all nice and calm when they're anything but that.

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