

You are like morphine injected deep into my bloodstream
Can't get you out of my mind but it already seems like you got me hooked on you
Just like a light switch my moods changed succumbing to your every demand
Hear the pitter patter of my heart goes from normal to heavily frantic when you're near
I can't believe this I am like a puppet tied to a string
I have loose my equilibrium and can't retained it
What is this am I hallucinating or am I dreaming in the middle of the day like am floating on cloud nine
It's like I have taken a puff of marijuana and now I feel higher than the cloud themselves and that happens when you kiss me
Shock waves like a thousand thunder bolt surges through my body tinkling my spine sending nerve impulses up and down my body making the hairs on my neck stand still
What is this feeling called I can't believe this I have felt it before when you touched me damn this is ecstasy and I only feel this way when your body is next to mine
they say that I have being caught up on straight narcotics with rum and coke feeling a bit tipsy but I swear baby that's the way I am when you turn me on
A sniff here and there with a trace of alchohol in the air gyrating to the music they said babe you have had enough just let the feeling flow through your body I said I only feel this way when I take of sniff of my baby fresh scent,sweet cologne and the effervescent of his body colliding with mine got me sipping on straight chlorine
Baby I might be tripping but I can't see myself without you
Nothing more , Nothing less cause you are all that I need.