

Your love is like a radio
That plays the best love songs
Every time your favourite song is played
You cannot help but go crazy
Every lyric and beat is a melody
That is the only song that you listen to
You record and you repeat
On your radio and on your lips
You remember all the lyrics
You keep playing it
Until it no longer sounds the same
Until that song in your ears is nothing but pain

And then a new one is played

But one day you start to miss that old song
You try to find your way back to it
But that classic song is now being played
By yet another radio
But this time classic and vintage
One whose love does not age
A gramophone
That understands a classic song's value
That dances with the disk for eternity
As the disk spins in the its embrace gracefully

Unlike your love, unlike your radio
For your love for me was but temporary
Your love for me had the best love song for the best love story
But you only liked the beat and the lyric that pleased your ears
You never knew what the lyrics really meant all those years
You never really knew its value
But anyway thank you
For all the lessons and memories
I pray that you find the right disk
One that you will ultimately stick with

© rexfaisal